
NANOSMAT-9 - 9th International Conference On Surfaces, Coatings And Nanostructured Materials

Dal 08/09/2014 ore 09.00 al 11/09/2014 ore 18.00

Dublino, IRLANDA

?Testimonianza del Premio Nobel per la Chimica - Professor Sir Harold Kroto -  sulla Conferenza NANOSMAT
?Testimonianza del Premio Nobel per la Chimica - Professor Sir Harold Kroto - sulla Conferenza NANOSMAT

Following up the successful wave of the previous NANOSMAT meetings (2005-Portugal, 2007-Portugal, 2008-Spain, 2009-Italy, 2010-France, 2011-Poland, 2012-Czech Republic, 2013 Spain) NANOSMAT-9, 2014, will foster the gathering of talented people from the world for the exchange of ideas and dissemination of the most relevant research results in nanoscience and nanotecgnology. According to the nature of these meetings, the 9th NANOSMAT Conference will thereby provide a platform for interaction between researchers, scientists and engineers from industry, research laboratories and academia, and it will feature state-of-the-art developments in all aspects of processing, characterisation and applications of nanostructured materials.

Organizzato da:
NANOSMAT Conference Org. ;Trinity College, Dublino, Irlanda
Istituto ISMN - UOS 'SAPIENZA' - Università di Roma

Referente organizzativo:
Giuseppe Fierro
CNR - Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati
c/o Dipartimento di Chimica, Ed. 'V. Caglioti' - 'SAPIENZA' Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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