Bial - Foundation (DUS.AD016.151)
Area tematica
Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale
Area progettuale
Cognizione naturale e artificiale: comunicazione, linguaggio, etica (DUS.AD016)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto di scienze e tecnologie della cognizione (ISTC)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 06 44595279
Modulation on bodily representation or increased body awareness seems to lead to higher-level changes, i.e., in pro-social capacity such as empathy. We argue that a modulation in cognitive domain, such as empathy and compassion (observed in several studies on MM) could be driven in bottom-up fashion by changes in self and bodily representations. Thus, as a practice focussed on bodily sensations and mental events, MM could induce a reorganization of the multisensory integration of sensorial stimuli from the surrounding world, resulting in changes on bodily representation leading to modulation of PPS. This could promote in turn the self-other integration by expanding his/her own PPS toward the physical and social environment. To this aim, in this project we propose to test whether and how the boundaries of PPS change as a consequence of MM practice in two experiments: the first, in which we would compare the extent of PPS in long-term meditators and non-meditators (Experiment 1), and the second, in which we would compare the extent of PPS before and after a short focus attention session in both long-term meditators and non-meditators (Experiment 2).
In Experiment 1 we would assess the difference in PPS boundaries between a group of experts, long-term meditators, and a group of non-meditators. We would assess both if the PPS differs between meditators and non-meditators, and how the meditative expertise would influence PPS. Since there are no previous studies on this topic, an increase in PPS boundaries will suggest a mechanism that would lead to participants coding far objects as near, while a decrease in PPS boundaries will suggest a mechanism that would lead to remapping the far space as near. Here we will expect no modulation in the non-meditators, control group.
In Experiment 2 we would assess the dynamic or state difference in PPS boundaries between a group of experts, long-term meditators, and a group of non-meditators. Data collected throughout this procedure would be analyzed with three aims. First, to assess if a single, short meditation induction could change the extent of PPS in non-meditators. Second, to assess if PPS would change in experienced meditators before and after a short mindfulness induction. Third, to compare changing in PPS between meditators and non-meditators.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
Mindfulness, Peripersonal space, Meditation
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/02/2025