Area tematica
Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia
Area progettuale
Infrastrutture di ricerca , strumentazione avanzata e nuove metodologie sperimentali e di calcolo (DFM.AD006)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto officina dei materiali (IOM)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 040 3756411
Our radical vision of a science-enabled technology is a magneto-electric (ME) liquid for new devices like distributed-force sensors that can transform complex structures like the skins of humanoid robots and artificial body parts. A ME material is characterised by having magnetic properties that can be manipulated with an electric field and, vice versa, electric properties that can be manipulated with a magnetic field. Until now the only ME materials have been solid-state mutliferroics, because until recently ferroic properties were considered to be specific to solid materials. However, based on our recent discovery of ferromagnetic liquids, which overturned this established paradigm, we propose a breakthrough liquid ME material. The basic component of this ME liquid will be ME nanoplatelets (NPs), i.e., magnetic NPs that will be hybridized with electrically responsive organics. These ME-NPs will then be dispersed in a nonconductive liquid medium, where they will be able to reorient in an external field.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
magneto electric, sensoristica
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09/10/2024