Progetto di ricerca

MAPP-EMPIR - Metrology for Aerosol Optical Properties (19ENV04 MAPP) - Resp. M. CAMPANELLI (DTA.AD001.355)

Area tematica

Scienze del sistema Terra e tecnologie per l'ambiente

Area progettuale

Cambiamenti Globali e Cicli biogeochimici: dinamiche, impatti e mitigazione (DTA.AD001)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima (ISAC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: +39 06 4993 4344


The overall aim of this project is to enable the SI-traceable measurement of column-integrated aerosol optical properties retrieved from the passive remote sensing of the atmosphere using solar and lunar radiation measurements. We will calibrate radiometers of the three largest aerosol monitoring networks at NMI laboratories and develop portable devices for the in-field calibration of network radiometers in order to validate and improve the current aerosol optical property retrievals using state-of-the-art inversion models. The goal is to standardise aerosol optical properties retrieval by shortening the calibration chain, reduce calibration downtime of network radiometers and establish their consistent dissemination including their uncertainty.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

aerosol, optical, proporties

Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/10/2024