Progetto di ricerca

PRIN 2017 - 20178TRM3F_003 Missikoff Andrighetto Giulia (DUS.AD016.093)

Area tematica

Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale

Area progettuale

Cognizione naturale e artificiale: comunicazione, linguaggio, etica (DUS.AD016)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di scienze e tecnologie della cognizione (ISTC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0644362370 - 2


14ALL investigates the conditions under which groups may trigger aggressive behavior in individual members and fuel retaliatory cycles magnifying the consequences of intergroup conflict. We expect that aggression is more likely when group identity is salient and members invest in building group reputation. Furthermore, we expect that individuals who forgive or avenge aggression will gain social status to the extent that group members perceive them to be motivated by concern for the group rather than concern for self. 14ALL adopts a set of complementary research methods and consists of three parts. First, we will use a laboratory experiment to determine when group membership and group reputation promote aggression. Second, we will conduct a survey experiment on a representative sample of the national population to investigate when vengeful or forgiving behavior is socially rewarded by the group.


14ALL aims to investigate how 1) group identity and group-level reputational concerns play key roles in explaining why people behave aggressively in intergroup conflict, and 2) vengeful and forgiving acts are particularly influential in escalating or dampening retaliatory cycles. The project will explore people's motivations for these acts and investigate the conditions under which aggression, revenge, and forgiveness, are accorded social status - respect, prestige, and esteem - in groups.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

sample survey, experiment design, intergroup relations

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/02/2025