Progetto di ricerca

PRIN 2017 - 2017YER72K -Development of novel dna-based analytical platforms for the rapid, point-of-use quantification of multiple hidden allergens in food samples (DIT.AD014.029)

Area tematica

Ingegneria, ICT e tecnologie per l'energia e i trasporti

Area progettuale

Tecnologie per l'Agricoltura Sostenibile e la Sicurezza del cibo (DIT.AD014)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di fisica applicata "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 055/522 6359


Developing rapid, sensitive, low-cost methods to accurately detect multiple hidden allergens has become a critical necessity for food producers. Current methods for the detection of allergens in food require cumbersome, resource-intensive laboratory procedures and/or expensive instrumentations to provide actionable information. We propose here the development of novel electrochemical or optical sensing platforms that support the rapid, point-of-use quantification of multiple allergens in food samples.
To reach the above goals we have joined different expertise in the fields of sensor development, luminescence-based biosensing, novel optical methods for sensing, allergen analysis based on LC-MS, optical devices design and implementation. The research teams involved in this project encompass all the requisite expertise to reach the proposed objectives and each of them will have a specific focus on a single crucial step. The development of the proposed platforms could thus significantly impact the safety, compliance and efficacy of food analysis and thus will have a strong impact in health, food and related fields.


The overarching objective of the proposed research program is the development of sensing devices suitable for the
detection of any of a wide range of allergens in food samples. By joining multidisciplinary expertise we propose here the
development of novel electrochemical or optical sensing platforms all based the used of synthetic DNA as both recognition
element (i.e. aptamers) or scaffold that will support the rapid (15 min), point-of-use quantification of multiple allergens. The
successful implementation of such technology would improve food safety, shorten the time of analysis and greatly ease the
burden of monitoring these allergens. This, in turn, would significantly improve the efficacy and cost effectiveness of
modern food control.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/02/2025