The project aimed at the development of new methods for radiation and biology dosimetry. The approach was the development of an optical biosensor apparatus able to monitor directly the effect of complex ionizing radiation on a biological matrix.
Experimental data to establish a regular and reliable correlation between measured physical characteristics of radiation and vital biological radiation effects were obtained as a result of the "BIO-DOS" project. These results can be useful for further development of biodosimetry data base to describe the influence of complex ionization radiation on the human body.
An advanced approach to the above matter is the development of biological indication methods, and then biological dosimetry methods. Such methods allow to estimate biological effects of radiation based on biological criteria that were worked out and studied in special model biological objects and systems exposed by various irradiation fields simulating the space radiation. At present research laboratories in many countries are work out the problems of bioindication and biodosimetry, including the development of conception, investigation methods and facilities, and utilization of the results. Within this approach, biosensors were previously developed by the coordinator group from the Nato country. Complex studies were carried out both on ground and in-flights (airplanes and onboard the International Space Station at the Russian Sector). The results of the study could be used for the work of the Manned Spaceflight Radiation Safety Service to create and develop the registration and control system of individual doses obtained by cosmonauts during their professional activity. The new technology is based on the concept of biosensor technology; a biosensor is a device that can reveal a biochemical variable using a biological component interfaced with an electronic transducer. It issues an electric signal which is easy to process, depending on the analysed variable. The broad applicability of this technology, coupled with the inherent manufacturability of the sensor, gives rise to a wide range of exciting applications and opportunities such as monitoring polluted compounds in water and studying the effect of stress conditions in living organisms; in particular biosensors were used to valuate radiation stress conditions on photosynthetic oxygenic organisms as well as for measuring complex space radiation (see references).The device is characterised by its sensibility and selectivity of the organic component response, together with its easy use, versatility, miniature size and low cost. When the immobilised biological molecule undergone the stress, a signal is generated which is proportionally to the physicochemical conditions under monitoring. Biodevices for research in space radiation were built for ESA Biopan-Foton M2 flight and for stratosphere Italian Space Agency balloons. The necessity of in-flight studies is due to the fact that all the characteristics of ionizing radiation obtained in flights can not be simulated because of its complex composition and wide energy spectra; again, complex studies, as well as on ground calibrations in radiation fields with well known characteristics permit to establish regular and reliable correlation between measured physical characteristics of radiation and vital biological radiation effects.
The project allowed the realization of electro-optical biosensors that can reveal the response of biological component to complex ionizing radiation Two approaches were pursued:1) utilization of extracted and frozen biological material; 2) utilization of intact organisms. For the realization of Biosensors based on reaction centre II enzyme from oxygenic organisms, interfaced with electro-optical transducer, the following steps were performed:Implementation of the optical biosensor systems (mainly fluorimeter) (Task of Nato's coordinator group in Italy) ; Choice of the optimazed biomediator (Task of Nato group in Poland and the partner group in Bulgaria; Calibration (Task of Nato's coordinator group in Italy); Modification to reach the required sicurity for ISS and Planes (Task of the Russian Group); Complex radiobiology studies should be carried out to investigate the correlation between physical characteristics of radiation (absorbed dose and its spatial and temporal distribution, linear energy transfer spectrum - LET, microdosimetry parameters) and radiobiology effects (Common Task).