Research project

LoA FAO Support of e-training on SDG-14.4.1 Virtual Research Environment (DIT.AD005.066)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

e-Infrastructure (DIT.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of information science and technologies "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI)

Project manager

Phone number: +39 050 6212891


The main purpose of this VRE is thus to provide a learning environment for the preparation of an indicator on SDG14.4.1. SDG14.4.1 trainers (with the role of VRE Manager) will be equipped with an environment and the tools for managing a training course on monitoring, analysing and understanding stocks and fisheries data. The training is anonymous, and no personal or exercise data persist. SDG14.4.1 users/trainees (VRE User role) are equipped with an environment / WorkSpace where they can find or upload relevant datasets for exercises related to fisheries data analysis, and the interactive R Shiny application providing background information, and panels for interactive editing of algorithm parameters and visualizing the results. The enabling environment is a D4Science VRE that manages users' access and profiles, the computing resources and the accounting of the usage, and the specific R Shiny Application.

Start date of activity



e-training environment, virtual research environment, VRE

Last update: 19/04/2024