Research project

PRIN 2020 UNDERLANDSCAPE: a multi-analytic approach to the study, conservation and valorization of the underground historical environment and the surrounding landscape (DCM.AD009.043)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Applicazioni della chimica ai beni culturali (DCM.AD009)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of chemistry of organometallic compounds (ICCOM)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0503152224


The study of rock or underground structures is one of the major challenges of current archaeological research. Such structures have been used for shelter since the dawn of humanity but they were often reused and adapted to different purposes up to modern times also in relation to the environmental context and the exploitation of surrounding natural resources. The objective difficulties in the study of such structures, joined to the old problem of reconciling the technical/scientific approach with the methods of humanistic research, has made difficult in the past the definition of agreed procedures for their study, conservation and valorization. The purpose of this project is the definition of a protocol of analysis that could be applied, in principle, to rock and/or underground structures, from the Neolithic to contemporary times, based on up to date scientific techniques mostly operating in situ. The mountainous sites of northern Tuscany (Lunigiana and Garfagnana) present examples of different cave and rock shelters and underground structures in various types of settlement that will be studied, exploiting the experimental protocol defined in this project.


The specific objectives of the project are:
- Documentation and survey of the sites and their landscape/environment
- Acquisition of aerial images and construction of 3D models
- Reconstruction of 3D model of the interior of the cave structures
- Design, realization and laboratory tests of the Laser-Induced Breakdown portable system(.
- Chemical-physical study of the geological materials and their alteration.
- Realization of a thematic webGIS system and Virtual Archive

Start date of activity



archaeometry, 3d modelling, spectroscopy

Last update: 16/02/2025