l'Olio d'Oliva del Mediterraneo (DBA.AD002.419)
Thematic area
Biology, agriculture and food sciences
Project area
Ottimizzazione dell'uso delle risorse naturali negli ecosistemi agricoli e forestali (DBA.AD002)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (ISAFoM)
Other structures collaborating in the research project
Project manager
Phone number: 3358159808
Email: marina.bufacchi@cnr.it
General objective: Identify, characterize, and evaluate from the genetic and phenotypic point of view promising neglected olive tree ecotypes cultivated in the Maltese Islands for the same general evaluation in the perspective of their reintroduction into more intensive cultivation or for increasing the number of those already cultivated.
The aims of the project are as follows:
o Identification of native Maltese varieties or spontaneously originating accessions for the purpose of their evaluation and subsequent reintroduction into cultivation;
o propagation of the identified accessions;
o Analysis of the biochemical profile of olives and olive oils from the areas being investigated paying attention to the nutraceutical characteristics related to tfrom the areas being investigated paying attention to the nutraceutical characteristics related to the presence of beneficial compound in the olives and olive oils;
o Development of a protocol for the production of high-quality olive oil in the Maltese Islands;
o Applying innovative genetic markers to determine the molecular profile in commercial olive oils from Umbrian and Maltese olive mills;
Start date of activity
biodiversità olivo, caratterizzazione fenotipica e molecolare, EVOO
Last update: 22/01/2025