SUSPANCE - Super Strong Ceramics for Protection in Harsh Environments and Defence (DCM.AD006.296)
Thematic area
Chemical sciences and materials technology
Project area
Chimica e tecnologia dei materiali (DCM.AD006)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of science and technology for ceramics (ISSMC)
Project manager
Phone number: 0546/699723
SUSPENCE is focused on the development of ceramics with unprecedented strength from room temperature up to at least 2000°C for use in severe environments, like body armour protection and hypersonic aerospace vehicles that can be used for defence against terrorist attacks. The attributes to be exploited include combinations of boride and carbide compounds along with hierarchical micro-nano sub-structures formed in such matrices during sintering in the presence of transition metal additives. The goal is to achieve enhanced strength retention, impact resistance and ablation resistance in nano-textured ceramics in the form of rectangular plates and a sharp cone for testing in relevant environments.
Development of ceramics with unprecedented strength for use in severe environments, like body armour protection and hypersonic aerospace vehicles that can be used for defence against terrorist attacks. The attributes to be exploited include combinations of boride and carbide compounds along with hierarchical micro-nano sub-structures formed in such matrices during sintering in the presence of transition metal additives.
Start date of activity
TiB2, core-shell, strength
Last update: 04/12/2024