PRIN2017 - 2017A5HXFC_005 - Dott.ssa Angela Altomare (DCM.AD007.106)
Thematic area
Chemical sciences and materials technology
Project area
Chimica e materiali per la salute e le scienze della vita (DCM.AD007)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of Crystallography (IC)
Other structures collaborating in the research project
Project manager
Phone number: 0805929155
Reactions in volatile organic solvents (VOCs) have served as important methods for carbon-carbon bond formation. The release of VOCs into the environment, however, still remains a matter of great concern, and a number of regulations are currently in place to control their use. NATUREChem Consortium will pursue the development of an innovative and greener technology based on the use of unconventional, environmentally friendly, clean, nature-mimicking media (the so-called Deep Eutectic Solvents, DESs) for a profound advance of knowledge and for a sustainable development of (a) organo, bio-, and metal-catalysed processes, (b) organic transformations mediated by highly polar organometallics, (c) bio-based protocols, in batch and in flow, for the preparation of targeted heterocycles of pharmaceutical relevance, and (d) the next-generation of solar technologies for the dye-sensitized generation of electricity and fuels from sunlight and clean, abundant, and renewable sources.
The scientific objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:
1)Identify new routes to perform fundamental metal-mediated organic transformations using non-conventional eco-friendly solvents.
2)Advance the understanding of the mechanism of action of polar organometallic reagents, bio- and organocatalysts in DESs through a comprehensive approach across solid (X-ray crystallography) and solution (advanced NMR studies) phases.
3)Develop original cross-coupling protocols based on the integrated use of renewable DESs, recyclable catalysts and more efficient methods capable of forging new bonds between aromatic and unsaturated moieties with high efficiency.
4)Develop a new family of dye-sensitized photovoltaic devices (DES-DSSCs).
5)Develop new conditions for the investigation of dye-sensitized artificial photosynthesis technologies based on water splitting for the clean production of solar fuels, namely hydrogen.
6)Develop novel and sustainable catalytic methods for CO2 and CO reutilisation in non-conventional solvents.
7)Develop bio-, and organocatalysed stereoselective transformations in renewable and nature-based DESs.
8)Design of novel chiral nonracemic DES systems.
Start date of activity
organic chemistry, sustainable chemistry, organometallic chemistry
Last update: 10/09/2024