Research project

Detection and tracking of crustal fluid by multi-parametric methodologies and technologies - PRIN 2017 - 20174X3P29_002 - Tony Alfredo Stabile (DTA.AD003.433)

Thematic area

Earth system science and environmental technologies

Project area

Rischi ambientali, naturali e antropici (DTA.AD003)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of methodologies for environmental analysis (IMAA)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0971427218


Crustal fluids permeate and diffuse as originated by internal or external natural sources or by industrial activities for modern energy exploitation and production.
The project aim is to build up and test the next generation of crustal fluid monitoring systems aimed at their timely detection and space-time tracking. We will develop an integrated, multi-parametric and
multi-disciplinary approach for mapping and tracking fluid movements in a variety of underground geological environments. New methodologies and technologies will be implemented to reconstruct the 4D
(space-time) variations of rock properties in the fluid-filled porous medium and to detect and characterize the induced micro-seismicity, electric crustal properties changes, earth surface ground deformation
and geochemical signatures of fluid presence and diffusion.
The new and conventional methodologies and technologies will be applied, validated and performance-assessed in specific project test-areas in Southern Italy.
The project is expected to have a high S&T and socio-economic impact through the development and use of innovative approaches for fluid detection and space-time tracking.


The main objective of the project is to develop and apply at selected test-sites an integrated, multi-parametric and multi-disciplinary approach to image and track crustal fluids in volcanic, tectonic and
industrial exploitation environments. This will be pursued developing and implementing innovative methodologies and technologies to reconstruct the 4D (space and time) variations of rock physical and
geochemical properties in a fluid-filled porous medium, and detecting fluid-related effects as induced micro-seismicity, electric properties changes and surface ground deformation.

Start date of activity



natural hazards, solid earth geophysics, fluid detection and tracking

Last update: 21/05/2024