Research project

MoST (DTA.AD002.485)

Thematic area

Earth system science and environmental technologies

Project area

Gestione sostenibile ed efficiente delle risorse naturali, degli ecosistemi e della biodiversità (DTA.AD002)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of geosciences and earth resources (IGG)

Project manager

Phone number: 390412407949


Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers is a worldwide problem caused, among other factors, by aquifer over exploitation related to human activities, such as water supply for human consumption and irrigation, land reclamation of low-lying farmlands, land climate changes which contribute to the reduction of groundwater natural recharge. The need of taking into account this topic has consequently intensified, with the aim to achieve a better understanding of the physical processes driving the continentalmarine water exchanges and define suitable countermeasures limiting the occurrence. Geophysical surveys and monitoring sites, as well as, laboratory and numerical experiments and a proper managing plan of freshwater the resources are essential for this purpose. Both Italy and Croatia are significantly affected by saltwater intrusion in their coastal regions with serious consequences on agricultural activities and tourism that may become dramatic in a relatively short time due to climate change effects.

Start date of activity



contaminazione salina, vulnerabilità costiera, misure di mitigazione

Last update: 25/04/2024