Research project

SPARTA (DIT.AD006.046)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

CyberSecurity (DIT.AD006)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for informatics and telematics (IIT)

Project manager

Phone number: 0503153425


In the domain of Cybersecurity Research and innovation, European scientists hold pioneering positions in fields such
as cryptography, formal methods, or secure components. Yet this excellence on focused domains does not translate
into larger-scale, system-level advantages. Too often, scattered and small teams fall short of critical mass capabilities,
despite demonstrating world-class talent and results. Europe's strength is in its diversity, but that strength is only
materialised if we cooperate, combine, and develop common lines of research. Given today's societal challenges,
this has become more than an advantage - an urgent necessity. Various approaches are being developed to enhance
collaboration at many levels. Europe's framework programs have sprung projects in cybersecurity over the past thirty
years, encouraging international cooperation and funding support actions. More recently, the Cybersecurity PPP has
brought together public institutions and industrial actors around common roadmaps and projects. While encouraging,
these efforts have highlighted the need to break the mould, to step up investments and intensify coordination.

Start date of activity



International cooperation, research governance, cybersecurity skills

Last update: 25/01/2025