BIOBOS - An in vitro and ex vivo model of biomimetic regenerative devices to treat bone metastases and soft tissue tumors (DCM.AD007.067)
Thematic area
Chemical sciences and materials technology
Project area
Chimica e materiali per la salute e le scienze della vita (DCM.AD007)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of science and technology for ceramics (ISSMC)
Project manager
Phone number: 0546699730
BIOBOS proposes to obtain a proof of concept for the use of nanostructured biomimetic materials as a new strategy for the treatment of bone metastases and soft tissue tumors. The approach is based on the coupling of materials with regenerative ability with antitumor and anti-inflammatory agents to be applied as grafts to heal and regenerate metastatic bone tissue in operable and not operable patients and soft tissue tumors in operable patients with primary or metastatic lesions
CNR will generate and characterize nanostructured biomimetic devices.
Start date of activity
drug delivery, cancer, bone
Last update: 03/12/2024