TEMI (DCM.AD006.096)
Thematic area
Chemical sciences and materials technology
Project area
Chimica e tecnologia dei materiali (DCM.AD006)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of industrial technologies and automation (STIIMA)
Project manager
Phone number: 0158493043
Email: r.mossotti@bi.ismac.cnr.it
Screening test to assess the level of microplastics release from polyester in a domestic washing laundry process comparing the use of detergent alone vs detergent with additive.
Mitigation effect of laundry additive in the release of microplastics by testing different washing conditions, eg different washing cycle and temperature, during the project was studied.
Start date of activity
microplastics, detergents, washing effluents
Last update: 13/10/2024