Research project

ESPRESSO - Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules (DCM.AD008.019)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Modelling computazionale (DCM.AD008)

Structure responsible for the research project

Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche "Giulio Natta" (SCITEC)

Project manager

Phone number: 075-5855523


This ESPResSo-project aims to bring the novel emerging hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell (PSC)
technology to its next maturity level. In recent years (see Figure 1), this solution-processable solar technology has reached
cell efficiency values rivalling those of established thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technology (CIGS, CdTe), even approaching
crystalline Si (c-Si) records. The challenge is now to transfer this unprecedented progress from its cell level into a scalable,
stable, low-cost technology on module level.
The consortium brought together here has alternative materials, insights in novel cell concepts and architectures, and the
processing know-how and equipment at hand to overcome these barriers and realize following global objective:
Demonstrate a highly efficient (>17%) perovskite-based 35x35cm² module architecture that shows long-term (>20 years)
reliable performance as deduced from IEC-compliant test conditions.


The ESPResSo-project will bring the novel emerging hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell (PSC)
technology to its next maturity level. In recent years, solution-processable solar technology has reached cell
efficiency values rivalling those of established thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technology (CIGS, CdTe), even
approaching crystalline Si (c-Si) records. The challenge is now to transfer this unprecedented progress from its cell
level into a scalable, stable, low-cost technology on module level.

Start date of activity



Renewable electricity, Photovoltaics, Perovskite

Last update: 20/09/2024