ESPRESSO - Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules (DCM.AD008.019)
Thematic area
Chemical sciences and materials technology
Project area
Modelling computazionale (DCM.AD008)Structure responsible for the research project
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche "Giulio Natta" (SCITEC)
Project manager
Phone number: 075-5855523
This ESPResSo-project aims to bring the novel emerging hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell (PSC)
technology to its next maturity level. In recent years (see Figure 1), this solution-processable solar technology has reached
cell efficiency values rivalling those of established thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technology (CIGS, CdTe), even approaching
crystalline Si (c-Si) records. The challenge is now to transfer this unprecedented progress from its cell level into a scalable,
stable, low-cost technology on module level.
The consortium brought together here has alternative materials, insights in novel cell concepts and architectures, and the
processing know-how and equipment at hand to overcome these barriers and realize following global objective:
Demonstrate a highly efficient (>17%) perovskite-based 35x35cm² module architecture that shows long-term (>20 years)
reliable performance as deduced from IEC-compliant test conditions.
The ESPResSo-project will bring the novel emerging hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell (PSC)
technology to its next maturity level. In recent years, solution-processable solar technology has reached cell
efficiency values rivalling those of established thin-film photovoltaic (PV) technology (CIGS, CdTe), even
approaching crystalline Si (c-Si) records. The challenge is now to transfer this unprecedented progress from its cell
level into a scalable, stable, low-cost technology on module level.
Start date of activity
Renewable electricity, Photovoltaics, Perovskite
Last update: 20/09/2024