HyCool (DIT.AD017.063)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
Tecnologie energetiche a basse emissioni (DIT.AD017)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute for advanced energy technologies "Nicola Giordano" (ITAE)
Project manager
Phone number: 090624243
Email: frazzica@itae.cnr.it
HyCool Project Mission is increasing the current use of Solar Heat in Industry Processes, and to do so the project proposes the coupling of a new Fresnel CSP Solar thermal collectors (FCSP) with specially build Hybrid Heat Pumps (HHP) (a "two-in one" combination of adsorption and compressor based heat pumps) for a wider output temperature range (Solar Heating & Cooling -SHC-), and to provide a wide range of design and operational configurations to better fit each case, hence increasing the potential implementation of the proposed Solar Heat in industrial environments. The two main features of HyCool System are Flexibility and Efficiency an they will allow different strategies for a technically and economically viable system. During Capital Expeditures phase simplicity will be aimed pursuing easiness in design configuration optimization, modular construction and ITS for commissioning. During Operational Expenditures the optimum balance between the HyCool System Operational Flexibility and Efficiency will be targeted to maximize HyCool cost effectiveness to each individual case.
Start date of activity
Sorption, Cooling, Solar energy
Last update: 05/12/2024