Trustworthy and Secure Future Internet - CyberSure (DIT.AD006.028)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
CyberSecurity (DIT.AD006)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute for informatics and telematics (IIT)
Project manager
Phone number: 0503153425
CyberSure is a programme of collaborations and exchanges between researchers aimed at developing a framework for
creating and managing cyber insurance policy for cyber systems. The purpose of creating such policies will be to enhance
the trustworthiness of cyber systems and provide a sound basis for liability in cases of security and privacy breaches in
them. The framework will be supported by a platform of tools enabling an integrated risk cyber system security risk analysis,
certification and cyber insurance, based on the analysis of objective evidence during the operation of such systems.
CyberSure will develop its cyber insurance platform at TRL-7 by building upon and integrating state of the art tools, methods
and techniques. These will include: (1) the state of the art continuous certification infrastructure (tools) for cloud services
developed by the EU project CUMULUS; (2) the risk management tool of NIS enhanced by the NESSOS risk management
methodology; and (3) insurance management tools of HELLAS.
Start date of activity
cyber insurance, security certification, security risk analysis
Last update: 13/09/2024