
Phone number: +39 06 49934155
Curriculum (IT)
Curriculum (EN)
The scientific activity of Dr. Antonio Cricenti has been focused on the study of electronic and structural properties of clean surfaces of semiconductors, of metallic overlayers on semiconductor surfaces and biological molecules deposited on surfaces of "real" metal substrates.
He has developed scanning probe microscopes for biomedical applications over the years and has led several regional, national and international projects. He obtained the first high resolution images of DNA with a tunnel-effect microscope, published in Science in 1988. He guided the project of coupling a SNOM with infrared light at Vanderbilt University (USA) in 1996-2008 and played the leading role in developing an improved version of this instrument suitable for tumor diagnosis on the infrared light line at Daresbury in 2010-2016. He is involved in the research for early diagnosis of cancer and of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) desease by means of micro-Raman and infrared scanning near- field optical microscopy and on theoretical and experimental study of the transfer of radiative heat between different bodies on a nanometer scale. These achievements have
produced, in addition to publications, 8 patents already filed.