Institute of environmental geology and geoengineering (IGAG)
Phone number: 06 90672926
c/o Area della Ricerca di Roma 1
Via Salaria km 29,300 - 00015 Montelibretti
Phone number: 0690672595
Fax: 0690672733
The Institute operates, within the framework of the CNR programming, with scientific, financial and managerial autonomy. The Institute constitutes a centre of responsibility pursuant to the Accounting Regulation and operates according to the provisions contained therein and in accordance with the other Regulations of the Entity. Within the framework of the three-year activity plan, the Institute carries out research activities and any other activity envisaged in Chapter IV of the Organization and Operation Regulations.
The Institute's mission consists in the study and understanding of geological, natural and environmental-anthropic processes, integrating the typical skills of earth sciences, of geology, geotechnical and mining engineering, geophysics, environmental chemistry and geochemistry. The research activity will focus on the following main thematic and strategic areas:
a) Basic and application studies concerning the geodynamics and the recent geological history of the Earth planet. Construction of geological, tectonic and geomorphological evolutionary models in continental, coastal and marine areas;
b) Basic and local geological hazard for natural, environmental and anthropic risks. Mitigation of natural risks and the risks induced by human activity (industrial and non-industrial) and management of related emergencies;
c) Research and management of subsoil resources and the geological and archaeological heritage of territory. Research and cultivation of underground water resources, mining ores and geological materials, as well as basic geology, geophysical and geochemical studies for the exploration of hydrocarbon, geothermal and storage reservoirs;
d) Global and local eco-environmental changes and human-environment-climate-territory interactions;
e) Third mission activity in geoscience.
Furthermore, the Institute supports the Civil Protection Department for the implementation of activities concerning interventions for the prevention of seismic risk in different environmental and territorial contests.