The Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR - Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni) has been established on May 2001 and is operating since June 2002. The mission of ICAR is to provide suitable solutions in terms of research, technological transfer and high education in the area of high performance and intelligent systems and to carry out both basic and applied research for the design, the development and the application of high performance and complex functionality computing systems, possibly in distributed environments.
The Institute is located at Rende (Cosenza) and has two branches in Naples and in Palermo. ICAR presently enrols around 60 researchers and technicians, equally distributed on the three sites. In addition many professors from University of Calabria, University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, University "Federico II" of Naples and University of Palermo have research appointments with ICAR and actively cooperate in the research activities of the Institure.
ICAR conducts basic and applies research to advancing knowledge, to defining novel methodologies and tools and to developing innovative applications in the areas of High Performance Computing and Networking and of Intelligent Systems with Complex Functionalities, cooperating with the academic world and with other private and public research organizations active in such areas. In addition to its research activities, the Institute is interested in the pre-competitive development and technological transfer of research results, and carries out educational and training activities, through scholarships and research fellowships, advanced post-graduate specialization courses, and non-university higher education activities.