
Green Christmas Session 2023 Web

Dal 06/12/2023 ore 09.00 al 07/12/2023 ore 13.45


Green Christmas Session 2023 Web
Green Christmas Session 2023 Web

The international conference Green Christmas Session “Photosynthetic microorganisms for sustainable development” has been thought of as a series of interactive online meetings to be organized on an annual basis. It is focused on the potential of photosynthetic microorganisms to build up and promote the sustainable development of our society.

The first edition of GCS was held on December 16-17, 2021 and brought together more than 100 scholars affiliated with 49 different organizations from 16 countries in Europe, Asia, and Nord America.

The second edition of the GCS conference was held on December 6-7, 2022 and highlighted the advantages of employing photosynthetic processes and structures in solar energy conversion, production of green energy and high-added value compounds, waste management and environmental protection.

This third edition of the GCS conference will be held on December 6-7 2023 and it will be focused on the benefits of exploiting photosynthetic processes and structures in various areas, including the production of green energy and high-value compounds, nutrient recovery and waste management. The conference will also showcase a wide range of imaging and spectroscopy techniques to provide valuable and in-depth insights into the intricate aspects of photosynthetic reactions and their regulation.

Green Christmas Session 2023 topics:

  • Photosynthetic Factories
  • Structure, Function & Dynamics of Photosynthetic Components

The conference will be virtually hosted by the Institute for Biological Systems, CNR (CNR-ISB).

Organizzato da:
CNR-Istituto per i Sistemi Biologici

Referente organizzativo:
Carmelo Cannarella
Area Territoriale di Ricerca Roma 1 (ARRM1), Strada provinciale 35d, 9 - 00010 Montelibretti (RM)
06 90672511
Maya Lambreva Dimova, CNR-ISB, maya.lambreva@cnr.it, tel. 0690672921

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
Participation is free upon registration (mandatory)

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