
Christmas Lecture "From Research to Business"

Il 06/12/2022 ore 10.00 - 12.00

Cnr, Area della ricerca di Bologna, Plenary Room

Event Research Area
Event Research Area

Christmas Lecture- "From Research to Business" Prof. Luigi Nicolais

Abstract: in Italy the quality of scientific productions is excellent, also considering the modest public and private resources invested in Research and Development (R&D). Italian researchers are second for the number of grants won in 2021 in the European Research Council (ERC); however, the knowledge created by Universities and Public Research Centers does not result in  innovation. The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), provides an analysis of the innovation results of European countries showing that, in 2021, Italy was only a “moderate innovator”.

To overcome this problem and in agreement with the Horizon Europe programme,  the Italian University and Research Ministry set up a new strategy, establishing  funds for the basic science (FIS) and for the applied research (FISA), while the fourth Mission of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan supports the promotion, innovation and diffusion of technologies. I will give an overview of these topics in my presentation.

Finally, as a co-founder of Materias, I will describe our value generation model to create new business opportunity by supporting innovative solutions in the Advanced Materials  and by accelerating their market entry.

Organizzato da:
Cnr - Istituto per la sintesi organica e la fotoreattività
Vincenzo Palermo, direttore dell'Istituto per la sintesi organica e la fotoreattività (Isof-Cnr)

Referente organizzativo:
Emanuela Saracino
CNR - Istituto per la sintesi organica e la fotoreattività
Via Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
Invio mail di registrazione a emanuela.saracino@isof.cnr.it o direzione@isof.cnr.it

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