
Be.Cultour Hackathon, Policy Learning Lab, Study Visit

Dal 07/09/2022 ore 09.00 al 09/09/2022 ore 18.30

ICHEC Brussels Management School
Boulevard Brand Whitlock 6, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgium.

Be.Cultour Hackathon
Be.Cultour Hackathon

Be.Cultour Hackathon“Innovative circular cultural tourism solutions”

Be.Cultour is happening in Brussels! From 7 to 9 Spetember 2022 the ICHEC Brussels Management School will host the Be.CULTOUR Hackathon“Innovative circular cultural tourism solutions”.

The Be.Cultour Hackathon will allow participants to interact and work with 100 innovators from Be.Cultour Pilot Heritage Sites, Be.CULTOUR Mirror Innovation Ecosystems and experts from European countries.

Under the frame of H2020 project Be.Cultour, in March 2022 the ICHEC Brussels Management School launched an open call for passionate innovators eager at shaping the future of cultural tourism in six Be.Cultour Pilot Heritage Sites (PHS): Basilicata (Italy), Aragon (Spain), Larnaca (Cyprus), Vojvodina (Serbia) and the cross-border area of North-East Romania and Moldova.

The Call for proposals was open from March to May 2022 with the aim to select and award the best 19 innovative solutions for circular cultural tourism development in remote and less-known destinations in PHS, focusing on their specific challenges and areas of innovation.

19 innovative circular cultural tourism solutions were selected from local juries of each Be.Cultour PHS to participate in Be.Cultour hackathon in order to move from idea generation to first solution prototyping.

Be.Cultour Hackathon is structured in three intensive days from 7 to 9 September 2022. During these 3 days, participating teams will go through three stages: “Understanding my heritage site and circular cultural tourism”, “Building desirable, feasible, viable and resilient circular cultural tourism solutions” and “Deploying the solution”.

The 19 teams who completed successfully Be.CULTOUR Hackathon will have free access to a 4 months acceleration period. A mentoring program run by ICHEC Brussels Management school in which they will have the possibility to develop their innovative solutions to a close-to-market stage, making the 19 solutions become concrete business solutions. Starting from the challenges identified in/by the targeted deprived, remote or over-exploited areas, the selected participants will develop circular cultural tourism services and/or products that will focus on creating attractive destinations.

Following the acceleration period, the best solutions will have the possibility to apply for further support from Be.Cultour project for an amount up to 96,000 € in total for the 6 Pilot Heritage Sites to develop their Minimum Viable Product and test it in real context.

During the Hackathon the most innovative circular cultural tourism solution will be voted by a high level jury, composed by invited knowledgeable professionals about the needs of their PHS representing a multiplicity of stakeholders including public & private sectors, civil society organizations and minorities.

On Friday 9 September, voting will also be open to the public to vote favourite innovative circular cultural tourism solution on the Be.CULTOUR hackathon page (live streaming on Friday, 9 September 2022, from 16:00-17:00 here).

”Study visit in Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg, The Netherlands

On 8th September Be.CULTOUR Community of Interest was involved in a study visit in one of the mirror ecosystems to discover and learn from the tools for circular cultural tourism in other regions in Europe.

Policy Learning Lab “How can EU policies support circular cultural tourism?

On 9 September, over 50 pilots, mirrors and partners from the BE.CULTOUR project will meet in a Policy Learning Lab to discuss the sector challenges and draft policy recommendations to foster circular cultural tourism approaches.

For further information please visit the project website.

To get the latest news on the event, you can subscribe to Be.Cultour Newsletter and follow Be.Cultour social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube).

Organizzato da:
ICHEC Brussels Management School, ERRIN - European Regions Research and Innovation Network, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

Referente organizzativo:
Antonia Gravagnuolo
CNR - Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo
Via Guglielmo Sanfelice, 8. 80134, Napoli

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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