
OECD workshop on AI and the productivity of science

Dal 29/10/2021 ore 12.30 al 05/11/2021 ore 16.40



The OECD project on “AI and the Productivity of Science” addresses the critically important issue of the rate of scientific progress, whether this is stagnating, as recently argued by a number of scholars, and how AI could raise the pace of progress in science and discovery. This OECD workshop, a part of the project, brings together technical and policy experts to examine the evidence on a purported productivity decline in science as well as the ways that AI is currently used across different fields of science – from neuroscience to materials science - and across all stages in the scientific process. The workshop will advance the debate on what governments can do to maximise the positive impacts of AI on science, today and in the decades to come. 

To examine all of these issues, the forthcoming OECD workshop on AI and the productivity of science (October 29th – November 5th), and later publication, will gather scientists, AI researchers, policy analysts and scholars of the economics of science. From multiple vantage points, in presentations and in essays, the experts will assess the evidence on progress in science and examine how AI is contributing to all stages of the scientific processes. The current limitations of AI in science will be considered in detail, along with the impacts of AI on science in the developing world, and the policy implications of current and possible future developments. The workshop will be livestreamed and is open to the public. An OECD publication on these topics will be launched in the second quarter of 2022.

During the first day, Giovanni Abramo, Acting Director, Institute for System Analysis and Computer Science (Cnr-Iasi), will talk about "What can bibliometrics contribute to understanding research productivity?

Workshop presentations and expert discussions will become part of a comprehensive publication on the topic, to be released in early 2022.

he event is being recorded. 

Organizzato da:

Referente organizzativo:
Giovanni Abramo
CNR - Istituto di analisi dei sistemi ed informatica "Antonio Ruberti"

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
Registrazione al link: https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErdOGhpjouGtQanVkZ1-ckCnQ4RZPPJa9N%20

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