
Cnr at the 11th edition of the International Conference 'The Future of Education'

Dal 01/07/2021 ore 09.00 al 02/07/2021 ore 18.00


Social cards event kick off meeting
Social cards event kick off meeting

On 1 and 2 July 2021, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) will participate in the 11th edition of the International Conference 'The Future of Education', which will be held in a completely digital format due to the persistence of Covid restrictions. The conference is organized by Pixel, an international education and training institution with nearly 20 years of experience in international cooperation and European project management. The various works will be presented either synchronously or asynchronously, and interactive Q&A sessions will follow each presentation, in order to encourage discussions and the possibility of stimulating new networks and collaborations, also through the organization of specific networking opportunities. The proposed program is very broad, and the digital format makes it challenging but also capable of guaranteeing new and innovative sharing opportunities.

The talks, which see various CNR Institutes as protagonists, are the result of the knowledge-transfer activities and initiatives carried out through two European projects funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), called 'Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools' (RM@Schools) and 'Encouraging Girls to Study Geosciences and Engineering' (ENGIE), dedicated to the 'Educational' sector. The objective of CNR’s action is to interest and educate high school students in order captivate their involvement and push them to play a real role as ambassadors of research and science in society, amplifying the transmission of science and reaching entrepreneurial realities with this dialogue. It is worth remembering that this approach is fruitfully employed by CNR in the projects developed with schools at a national level, with the activities promoted by 'The Language of Research' (LdR) as a network between CNR Institutes and ENEA.

In this instance, the themes proposed by the the National Research Council of Italy are the following:

1) Integrating circular economy concepts in school curricula

2) How can we stimulate the interest of young generations towards studying disciplines related to geoscience? The ENGIE project’s review of best practices for teaching STEM subjects, and its feedback on the project’s strategy

3) Learning circular economy through practical experiments: a case-study on phosphorus recovery from wastewater at school

CNR speakers are: Armida Torreggiani, Alberto Zanelli, Alessandra Degli Esposti and Renata Lapinska-Viola from CNR-Isof; Emilia Benvenuti and Mauro Murgia from CNR-Ismn; Silvia Giuliani and Luca Giorgio Bellucci from CNR-Ismar - with their offices in Bologna.

The Seminars were created in collaboration with Lorenzo Forini (external consultant for gamification), the University of Bologna, the University of Miskolc (Hungary), and the University of Zagreb (Croatia).

At a later date, these seminars will be transformed into works published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN, ISSN and DOI codes and inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index of Thomson Reuters (ISI-Clarivate), once they will have been reviewed.

Organizzato da:
Cnr institutes:
Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (Isof)
Institute for the study of nanostructured materials (Ismn)
institute of marine sciences (Ismar)

Referente organizzativo:
Armida Torregiani
CNR - Istituto per la sintesi organica e la fotoreattività
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI)
For Cnr institute communication michela.tassistro@cnr.it

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento
Here for the registration form: https://conference.pixel-online.net/FOE/registration_general.php

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