
International training course 'Rapid methods for mycotoxin detection in the food chain'

Dal 09/10/2017 ore 09.00 al 13/10/2017 ore 18.00

Ispa-Cnr, Via Amendola, 122/o - 70126 Bari (Italy)

International training course: 'Rapid methods for mycotoxin detection in the food chain'
International training course: 'Rapid methods for mycotoxin detection in the food chain'

The Institute of sciences of food production – National research council of Italy (Ispa-Cnr), under the aegis of the MycokeyY project (http://www.mycokey.eu/) and the International society for mycotoxicology (Ism), is hosting a one-week workshop-training course from October 9-13, 2017. The course will give information about major issues associated with mycotoxin analysis and contamination along the food chain. Lectures and laboratory training will be provided on routinely used and new screening tools for rapid, robust and user-friendly analysis of mycotoxins, including validation aspects.

Practical training in the laboratory will cover most of the course and trainees will be assisted individually in the laboratory by Ispa-Cnr staff expert in instrumental and immunochemical analysis of mycotoxins.

organized by:

Cnr– National research council
Institute of sciences of food production (Ispa) – Bari, Italy

Number of places available: 20
Registration deadline: September 09, 2017

Organizing committee
Annalisa De Girolamo
Veronica M.T. Lattanzio
Vincenzo Lippolis
Antonio F. Logrieco
Michelangelo Pascale
Giancarlo Perrone

The course covers

  • Lectures
    Mycotoxins/toxigenic fungi: occurrence, risks and regulation
    Overviews of traditional and rapid methods for mycotoxin detection
    LC-MS methods for multi-mycotoxin analysis, including emerging and modified mycotoxins
    Validation of rapid methods for mycotoxin analysis

  • Laboratory
    Rapid techniques for mycotoxin detection:
    – Fast-ELISA
    – FPIA (fluorescence polarization immunoassay)
    – LFD (lateral flow devices)
    – Fluorometric tests
    – LC-MS

Organizzato da:
MycoKey project

Referente organizzativo:
Michelangelo Pascale
Via Amendola 122/O
70126 Bari
c/o Ispa-Cnr
Registration office: Mariella Quarto (mariella.quarto@ispa.cnr.it), Tel: +39 080/592 9365

Ufficio stampa:
Pasquale Del Vecchio

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento
For more details on the Workshop-Training course, please contact:
Veronica M.T. Lattanzio, Tel.: +39 080.592.9364; e-mail: veronica.lattanzio@ispa.cnr.it
Vincenzo Lippolis, Tel.: +39 080.592.9457; e-mail: vincenzo.lippolis@ispa.cnr.it

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