GOLIAT-5G RF-EMF expOsure, causaL health and biological effects, and rIsk perception in children and workers through citizen engAgemenT (DIT.AD009.138)
Area tematica
Ingegneria, ICT e tecnologie per l'energia e i trasporti
Area progettuale
e-Health (DIT.AD009)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto di elettronica e di ingegneria dell'informazione e delle telecomunicazioni (IEIIT)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 0223993344
E-mail: gabriella.tognola@ieiit.cnr.it
The overarching aim of GOLIAT is to provide novel insights on exposure and potential causal health and biological effects of the use of new generation radio-communication networks, in particular 5G, using an integrated and transdisciplinary pan-European approach. The focus of GOLIAT on vulnerable populations such as young people and workers, the implementation of novel and robust methodologies including causal inference, experimental work, health impact assessment, and mental models, the strong emphasis on translation of knowledge and citizen engagement, and the development of a FAIR data infrastructure for use during and beyond the project, ensure that the objectives are measurable, verifiable, achievable and highly relevant for policy.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/10/2024