PFPU 2 (DCM.AD004.154)
Area tematica
Scienze chimiche e tecnologie dei materiali
Area progettuale
Chimica verde e processi per la sostenibilità (DCM.AD004)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto per la tecnologia delle membrane (ITM)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: +390984492029
Membrane condenser is really alternative in capturing water vapor contained in an aeriform stream. The work to be carried out will consist in sizing a membrane condenser for its utilization under the operating condition of interest in TASI and indicated in WP 220 and related tasks. The various issues such as capillary length, module diameter, pressure difference between feed and permeate, etc. will be investigated. The performance of the selected solution will be evaluated as a function feed flow, feed-permeate pressure difference, etc.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
Membrane, Condenser
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/02/2025