Progetto di ricerca

StudioCommissionato_AMODEO_PolypheMoDB_Piattaforma chemoinformatica metaboliti batterici polifenoli (DCM.AD007.201)

Area tematica

Scienze chimiche e tecnologie dei materiali

Area progettuale

Chimica e materiali per la salute e le scienze della vita (DCM.AD007)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di chimica biomolecolare (ICB)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0818675072


The end goal of this project is the advancement of knowledge on biological effects of compounds present in extracts of small fruits from arctic/subarctic regions and the products of their metabolism by the gut microbiota, aimed at deciphering relationships relevant for ecology, environment, health, biology, technology. This goal will be pursued by combining production of data based on the extraction and characterization of natural products, design of experimental devices/protocols, data mining in available repositories and development/release of a versatile web-based platform to manage the project results. The versatility of the platform will allow its use in other projects involving studies at molecular level, result deployment, identification of relationships between molecular properties, biological activities, relevant organisms and their possible pharmacological, nutraceutical or (bio)technological applications. The project intends to create a repertoire of bioactive metabolites produced by the gut microbiota to assist researchers in assessing/uncovering the role of specific bacteria in the production of potentiated metabolites and understanding the gut microbial ecology.


1) characterization of 1.i) the composition of fruit extracts and 1.ii) metabolites arising from their catabolism by gut microbiota; 2) development of simplified microbial intestinal systems to be used in task 1.ii; 3) development of a versatile web-based platform to: 3.i) manage projects on microbiota featuring info at molecular level; 3.ii) collect and manage all data, namely mother and daughter ions of specific marker metabolites on 1.i+1.ii; 3.iii) identify relationships between molecular properties and biological activities of 1.i and 1.ii; 3.iv) predict applications of relationships identified in 3.iii; 4, optional) exp. validation of 3.iii-iv predictions.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

Chemoinformatics, Food, Nutrition

Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/09/2024