Progetto di ricerca

AMUSED (DTA.AD001.366)

Area tematica

Scienze del sistema Terra e tecnologie per l'ambiente

Area progettuale

Cambiamenti Globali e Cicli biogeochimici: dinamiche, impatti e mitigazione (DTA.AD001)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica (IRPI)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 075 5014427


The main goal of this project is to reconstruct the climatic variability in the central Mediterranean region during
the middle-late Quaternary, with a focus on the Holocene, by integrating paleoclimate multi-proxies data
acquired from different paleoenvironmental settings. Specifically, we propose to investigate lacustrine,
speleothem and marine successions aiming at comparing and evaluating, within a narrow geographical
range, the expressions of the climate variability in three different sub-systems at different temporal scales
and resolution (i.e., from orbital to sub-millennial scale). We selected: (i) the Castiglione maar (central Italy),
where two parallel 120 m-long cores and one 10-m long core will be drilled, spanning last ~280 kyr and ~12
kyr respectively, (ii) Speleothems that will be acquired from selected caves of the Lepini-Ausoni-Aurunci area
(central Italy) and (iii) two marine cores the 5.7 m-long NDT09 and the 3.8 m-long NDT12, spanning last~50
kyr and ~5 kyr respectively, recovered in the Tyrrhenian Sea during the NextData2016 cruise and now stored
at ISMAR-CNR of Napoli.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

cambiamenti climatici, micropaleontologia, geochimica

Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/04/2024