One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe (PHOTONHUB) (DIT.AD001.139)
Area tematica
Ingegneria, ICT e tecnologie per l'energia e i trasporti
Area progettuale
Dispositivi e Sistemi ICT (DIT.AD001)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto di fisica applicata "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)
Altre strutture che collaborano al progetto di ricerca
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 055 5226437
In order to accelerate the uptake and deployment of photonics technologies by European industry, PhotonHub Europe will establish a single Photonics Innovation Hub which integrates all of the best-in-class photonics technologies, facilities, expertise and experience of 53 partners across Europe under one roof as a one-stop-shop solution for delivering supports to industry. PhotonHub will provide European companies, in particular "non-photonics" SMEs and mid-caps that are first users and early adopters of photonics, with open access and guided orienteering through the PhotonHub front office across a broad range of services and capabilities.
o training and upskilling opportunities for both technology- and application-specific learning in photonics using lecture-based tutorials, hands-on lab-based training and "Train-the-Trainer" programmes within the hub's 40 Demo Centres and 10 Experience Centres;
o "test before invest" innovation support capabilities offering the broadest possible range of photonics technologies covering the full value chain from TRL3-8 and a pool of 500 experts readily available to engage with companies on highy collaborative Innovation Projects aimed at TRL acceleration from prototyping (TRL3-4) to upscaling (TRL5-6) to manufacturing (TRL7-8), and complemented by targeted business coaching and IP advisory supports to the companies to further boost the market-readiness levels of their innovation activities;
o support to find investment from suitable sources of venture capital or other private/public sources of investment finance
o support to cross-border innovation activities of European companies, working closely with the local photonics hubs representing 18 European regions as partners in the consortium to develop and roll out best practices of the "lighthouse" regions.
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
fotonica, trasferimento tecnologico, DIH
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/10/2024