Progetto di ricerca


Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Sistemi e materiali complessi, materia soffice, biofisica e reti (DFM.AD004)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie (IFN)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 049-9817786


The very large machine tools now available for applications ranging from aerospace to composite material castings present a new set of challenges when trying to match the traditional machining accuracies of the mechanical workshop. Effects of temperature, stresses on the carriages and structural parts of the machine now become important to the point where over-engineering the machine parts is no more an option. Long term deformation and wear of the friction parts is also an issue.
An optical system for the automatic recalibration of the machine during the machining process has been developed. The device has been installed on a travelling column type milling machine with hydrostatic sliding of the axis, balancing systems and automatic backlash compensation.
The tests performed on the prototype demonstrate the capability of mapping the actual gaps from the ideal linear translation with an error of 25 um along the full axis travel for a maximum displacement of 7 mm in both directions on each of the three detectors. This result is widely accepted by the end users requirements in the field of manufacture of travelling column type boring and milling machines

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

Laser metrology

Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/12/2024