Progetto di ricerca

QWAD (DFM.AD002.034)

Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Scienze e tecnologie quantistiche (DFM.AD002)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie (IFN)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0223996075


Integrated optics forms the platform for powerful applications of quantum communication and computation and solves critical problems in terms of scalability and reliability. The introduction of laser-written photonic structures enables disruptive progress and significantly speeds up the evolution from lab systems to real world applications. QWAD will introduce new functionalities of laser-written photonic waveguides and in a concerted application-driven effort employ them in next-generation quantum optical devices.
Our consortium will target three main outcomes:
1) Fabricate laser-written waveguides in three dimensional structures with the aim to enable full control of the photons' propagation constants and to generate and to manipulate path- and polarization entangled photonic qubits.
2) Implement large integrated circuits to perform scalable quantum logic operations and quantum simulation of many-body dynamics.
3) Design dedicated waveguide structures for fully integrated quantum key exchange and for quantum enhanced sensing in application ready prototypes.


1) Fabricate laser-written waveguides in highly integrated three dimensional structures to generate and to manipulate both path- and polarization entangled photonic qubits.
2) Implement large integrated circuits to perform scalable quantum logic operations and quantum simulation of many-body dynamics.
3) Design dedicated waveguide structures for fully integrated quantum key exchange and for quantum enhanced sensing in application ready prototypes.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

Quantum optical technologies, Ultrafast laser micromachining, Optical waveguides

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/10/2024