Trustworthy and Secure Future Internet - NeCS (DIT.AD006.003)
Area tematica
Ingegneria, ICT e tecnologie per l'energia e i trasporti
Area progettuale
CyberSecurity (DIT.AD006)Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca
Istituto di informatica e telematica (IIT)
Responsabile di progetto
Telefono: 3488260772
The European Training Network for Cybersecurity (NECS) was formed in response to the increased need of highly qualified
experts able to cope with all the aspects of the European cybersecurity strategy that is currently under implementation.
There is indeed an evident need and opportunity to grow a new generation of young researchers able to answer this demand
for expertize, trained to the changing nature of the challenges to be faced. These challenges include evolvable threats and
new technological means to exploit network and information security vulnerabilities of cyber systems that have eventually
consequences in the physical world. Starting from these considerations, the European Commission proposed the
"DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning measures to ensure a high common
level of network and information security across the Union" . This directive proposal, on the one hand, recognizes the
relevance for the European economy of cybersecurity, on the other one, poses the regulatory basis for achieving a common
level of cybersecurity preparedness among the main European public/private stakeholders.
Tra gli obiettivi possiamo elencare:
o Sviluppo di una rete Europea nella cyber security
o Creazione di 15 dottori di ricerca
o Organizzazione di eventi scientifici e scuole
o Sviluppo di attivita' di ricerca
Data inizio attività
Parole chiave
cyber security, risk assessment and management for cyber security, Security metrics
Ultimo aggiornamento: 05/10/2024