Intervento della Presidente

Maria Chiara Carrozza visited XFEL: collaboration and partnership strengthened


The Italian shareholder delegation, with Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of CNR, Pierluigi Campana, Member of the Executive Board of INFN, the European XFEL Management Board and staff members. Copyright: European XFEL, 2023
The Italian shareholder delegation, with Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of CNR, Pierluigi Campana, Member of the Executive Board of INFN, the European XFEL Management Board and staff members. Copyright: European XFEL, 2023

European XFEL warmly welcomed a distinguished shareholder delegation led by the president of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr) Maria Chiara Carrozza, and Pierluigi Campana, a member of the Executive Board of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (Infn). Cnr and Infn are the two Italian shareholders of European XFEL, and were also represented by Stefano Fabris, Head of the Physics department of Cnr and newly appointed delegate of the European XFEL Council, and Daniele Sertore from Infn, also member of the Council delegation.

European XFEL Managing Director Prof. Robert Feidenhans’l and Scientific Director Sakura Pascarelli extended their greetings to the guests in the presence of European XFEL Council Chair Federico Boscherini. Feidenhans’l and Pascarelli stated the importance of Italy as a partner of European XFEL. «This visit provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen our collaboration and enhance the partnership between European XFEL and Italian research institutes. With a share of almost 3% and with more than 10% of the scientific staff, Italy significantly contributes to construction and operation of our facility», Feidenhans’l said. «Italy’s scientific use of the facility continues to increase», Pascarelli added. «Our shared PhD student program has been an important tool to engage in common scientific projects also with smaller groups from Italian universities».

The visit included a presentation on technological challenges delivered by European XFEL Scientific Director Thomas Tschentscher, as well as an update by European XFEL scientist and group leader Sara Casalbuoni on undulator development – the magnetic structures used to generate the ultra-bright X-ray flashes of the European XFEL. It concluded with a tour to the experiment hall.

The Cnr President Maria Chiara Carrozza stressed about the need to involve scientific communities potentially relevant to XFEL, such as the life sciences and engineering communities, overcoming the barriers between scientific disciplines and opening to new form of cooperation with XFEL. Managing and analyzing the enormous quantities of data generated by XFEL can, indeed, have a deep impact on several disciplines that benefit from the use of data, such as climate science, making of XFEL a tool for goal oriented, coordinated research units.

Italy is the fourth-largest shareholder country, following Germany, Russia, and France, and has been a partner country since the foundation of European XFEL. INFN conducts research in the field of particle physics. Cnr supports and promotes a wide range of research activities across Italy. Both organisations are associated with the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

Per informazioni:
Presidenza Cnr
