
Conference of the Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT) - International Administrative Tribunals and the MAT: Problems and Perspectives

Il 08/03/2024 ore 09.00 - 18.00

Via G. Sanfelice n° 8
Conference room | Sixth floor

The Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT) is an independent judicial body of second instance, working on non-permanent basis, established in order to adjudicate appeals lodged by civilians hired in NATO missions against an administrative review decision of the Mission Commander.

MAT judicial activities have started on 1 July 2022 and its first two judgments have been released in 2023. MAT convenes annually Plenary sessions with the goal to consider administrative matters and other issues concerning its judicial activity. The first Plenary session of MAT College of Judges has been held on 30-31 January 2023.

The second one is scheduled on 7 March 2024 and will be hosted at the premises of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Iriss) in Via Guglielmo Sanfelice, 8 Naples, Italy.

The 2024 MAT Plenary session is the occasion for convening also the first Annual Conference of MAT. The objective of the Conference is to provide a space for discussion and analysis on some topics concerning MAT functioning, the substantial law it is asked to apply and its Rules of Procedure, as well.

The Conference, in particular, will address, on the one side, general issues of International Administrative Law, such as the notion of administrative decision, the role and relevance of administrative tribunals and their case-law, etc. On the other side, the Conference will constitute the occasion for addressing specific issues related to the functions and working methods of the MAT.

The Conference, which will be held in presence and by distance, will bring together distinguished scholars and experts of the field-area such as Agnieszka Milart former UNDT Judge, Dimitrios Raikos, former UNAT Judge, Guido Raimondi Former President, of the European Court of Human Rights. Natale Rampazzo Cnr-Iriss director of research, and Marco Fasciglione Cnr-Iriss researcher, will participate to the Conference.

Organizzato da:

Referente organizzativo:
Marco Fasciglione
Via G. Sanfelice n° 8, Naples

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero

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