
First Workshop R4H:Robots for Humans. Let humans be the bridge between computers and robots!

Dal 03/06/2024 ore 08.00 al 04/06/2024 ore 18.00

Grand Hotel Arenzano, Arenzano (Genova)


The "Robots for Humans" (R4H) workshop bridges the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) communities. Emphasizing commonalities and differences, the workshop encourages methodological exchange and explores human-centric design in robotics and computing. Addressing empowerment in robot applications, the workshop seeks theoretical, technical, and design solutions, examining utopian and dystopian perspectives. It invites HRI researchers to tackle challenges, foster inclusivity, and reflect on shaping human-robot interaction visions. Join us to explore the dynamic relationship, strengths, and weaknesses between humans and robots, aiming for thoughtful HRI advancements.

The R4H combines the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community with the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) one. With this workshop, we want to bring together these communities by highlighting the commonalities of the two, stressing their differences, and encouraging the contamination of their methods and results. We aim to do so by recognising that human beings can be the bridge between these two communities and the main objective for a human-centred design approach.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- HCI theories, methods, and novel approaches applied to HRI, Cognitive Architectures for HRI.

- Concept papers on the role of technology and robots in empowering or challenging human well-being.

- Empirical studies for human empowerment with technology (e.g., SAR, Health care, educational context).

- Participatory design approaches for HRI applications (e.g., user-centred design for computer and robotic applications, human-centred, and interaction-based design)

- Research methods and challenges for different contexts (e.g., assistive and education) in the HRI field.

- Interaction with virtual or physical embodied agents, human factors and human-in-the-loop in HRI, group dynamics in HRI.

- Design relationship between humans and robots (multi-modal communication, robot personalities, gender robotics, empathy).

- Diversity, power dynamics, gender, racism, social stereotypes and vulnerable targets of users in HRI.

- Trust, acceptance and explainability in HRI; personalisation and end-user development of robot applications.

- Ethical issues (e.g. privacy, misuse and abusive interactions), social risks and fairness in HRI.

For its first edition, R4H workshop will be held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces! (AVI). The workshop will last half-day and will take place on the 3rd or 4th of June (TBD).

Join us in Arenzano (Genoa) to explore the intricate bond between humans and robots for thoughtful HRI advancements!

Organizzato da:
University of Genoa - DIBRIS, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Science
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Genova)
Libera Università di Bolzano

Referente organizzativo:
Marco Manca
Via G. Moruzzi 1
Area della ricerca Cnr
"University of Genoa - DIBRIS, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Science" è l'organizzatore della conferenza AVI.
Gli organizzatori del workshop sono Cnr-Isti, IIT - Genova, Libera Università di Bolzano.

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