
Setting your career in Heritage Science at Cnr-Ispc: Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships

Il 11/07/2023 ore 10.00 - 12.30

Online Zoom platform

Setting your career in Heritage Science at Cnr-Ispc
Setting your career in Heritage Science at Cnr-Ispc

The Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Heritage Science (Cnr-Ispc) hosts the annual webinar regarding the Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions call for Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) under Horizon Europe.

On July 11, 2023, a virtual event will be held to give participants all the useful information on how to apply for the upcoming call and an overview of the technology transfer and intellectual property rights services that Cnr offers to MSCA-PF fellows. It will also highlight a few of the study areas of the Cnr-Ispc supervisors and how the MSCA-PF can provide a chance for career advancement.

The webinar "Setting your career in Heritage Science at Cnr-Ispc: Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships", sponsored by the Cnr-Ispc will take place online on 11th of July 2023 at 10am cest and is addressed to postdoctoral researchers of any nationality who are interested in taking part to the next MSCA-PF of the European research programme, Horizon Europe.

The MSCA-PF will close applications on September 13th, 2023. The Cnr-Ispc is the suitable host institution for this stage of your career development if you intend to apply to this program in the subject of cultural heritage.

The mission of this interdisciplinary institute consists in pursuing scientific excellence and in encouraging innovation in knowledge, conservation and use of cultural heritage through collaborative research involving humanities, experimental sciences and technological applications.

Thanks to the participation of the MSCA-PF National Contact Point of APRE and Cnr experts on intellectual property right and technology transfer you are going to understand how to apply for the new call, writing some crucial part of your project proposal. Furthermore, you will be able to meet some of Cnr-Ispc supervisors, providing you with info on their research areas, laboratories and research facilities you can have access to.

Organizzato da:
Cnr - Istituto di scienze del patrimonio culturale

Referente organizzativo:
Licia Cutroni
Cnr - Istituto di scienze del patrimonio culturale
Cnr-Ispc sede di Catania
c/o Palazzo Ingrassia, via Biblioteca 4

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero
The event is free but you need to register.

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