
3R4UB_Project Advances and Future Steps

Il 16/11/2022 ore 15.30 - 18.00

Cnr-Iriss Conference Room via Guglielmo Sanfelice n. 8 VI Floor

Evento Ulaanbaatar
Evento Ulaanbaatar

The 3RS FOR SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN ULAANBAATAR - 3R4UB project meeting aims at discussing the results of the Steering Committee, Conferences and meetings of the last mission in Mongolia of the Cnr-Iriss and Metellia Delegation, as well as the ongoing activities and the milestones of the current periodic report.

The program also includes a brainstorming related to the next mission of the research group dedicated to develop the civic engagement activities to be delivered in UlaanBaatar in November 2022.

Organizzato da:
Cnr - Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo

Referente organizzativo:
Gabriella Esposito
CNR - Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo
via Guglielmo Sanfelice n. 8 Napoli

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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