
Networks of Labour. International officers and social networks in the history of the International Labour Organization

Dal 27/10/2022 ore 10.30 al 28/10/2022 ore 18.00

ILO Office for Italy and San Marino
Via Panisperna, 28
00184 - Roma

Programma del convegno p1
Programma del convegno p1

The main objective of the conference is to study the history, individual and collective, of the officials and experts who collaborated within the International Labour Organization. The conference is focused on the social, political, and epistemic networks where their activity took place, and observe their paths, origins, socio-economic and educational backgrounds, debates, political loyalties, personal motivations, technical skills, and diverse trajectories.

Thursday 27/10/2022 10.30am-6.30pm

Welcome address, Salvatore Capasso (Cnr-Ismed)
Gianni Rosas (ILO's representative for Italy and San Marino)

Session 1: “Out of the European Industrial Core (the Interwar Years)"

Discussant: Francesca Piana (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Judith Rainhorn (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), "Acting behind the scene: Alice Hamilton, a female expert in the early ILO network"
Dan-Alexandru Savoaia (University of Iasi), "Crafting social justice in the margins: aspects of Romania's interaction with the ILO in the interwar period"
Stephanie van Dam (Cambridge University), "Social networks in the formulation and implementation of injury compensation in the International Labour Organization and the British empire, 1930-1945"

Keynote lecture: Lorenzo Mechi (Università di Padova)

Session 2: ”Socialist and Catholic Networks"

Discussant: Giacomo Canepa (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Adeline Blaszkiewicz (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), "A convergence of struggles for social justice? Socialist networks and the ILO during the interwar period"
Oscar Gaspari (Università LUMSA di Roma), "L'Italia fascista contro i numeri indici per il calcolo del costo della vita, nel congresso di Roma dell’Istituto Internazionale di Statistica del 1925"
Aurélien Zaragori (Université Lyon III), "For God and social justice: Christian international officers in the International Labour Organization (1920s-1970s)"

Friday 28/10/2022 9am-6pm

Special session Inail Bric 2019: ”Italian physicians and scientists"

Chair: Michele Riva (Università Milano Bicocca)

Discussants: Franco Carnevale and Alberto Baldasseroni

Anna Pellegrino (Università di Bologna), "La nebulosa riformatrice in Italia agli inizi del XX secolo e la medicina del lavoro"
Roberto Mazzagatti (Università di Milano Bicocca), "Luigi Carozzi e l’Industrial Health Service (ILO). Nella rete di tutela della salute dei lavoratori tra 1919 e 1939"
Stefano Gallo (CNR-ISMed), "Luigi Parmeggiani e i network della Sezione Prevenzione e Igiene nel secondo dopoguerra"
Cristina Accornero (Università di Torino), "L'ILO a Torino: formazione, sicurezza e igiene del lavoro nella seconda metà del Novecento"

Session 3: ”The ILO and the African Continent"

Discussant: Lorenzo Mechi (Università di Padova)

Paul Mayens (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), "Africans in a global epistemic network, the African conferences on social security: 1962-1975"
Félicité Paho Nya (Université Yaoundé I), "The role of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the evolution of trade unionism in Cameroon: 1944-1972"

Keynote lecture: Daniel Maul (University of Oslo)

Session 4: ”Boundaries of labour: forced labour, managers, and self-management"

Discussant: Amalia Ribi Forclaz (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)

Mara Marginean (Romanian Academy), "Interconnecting the (semi)peripheries: the Center for the Improvement of Industrial Managers (CEPECA) and Romania’s cooperation with the global south in the 1970s"
Gabriela Scodeller (University of Cuyo), "Experts, networks and meetings regarding self-management: the role of the ILO in the long sixties"
Norberto O. Ferreras (Universidade Federal Fluminense), "Brazil and the ILO. Concurring and conflicting interpretations of forced labor"

Scientific commission:
Virginia Amorosi (Università Federico II Napoli), Eloisa Betti (Università di Bologna), Giacomo Canepa (Scuola Normale Superiore), Federico Del Giudice (Scuola Normale Superiore), Stefano Gallo (Cnr-Ismed Napoli), Isabelle Lespinet-Moret (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Sandrine Kott (Université de Genève), Francesco Maccelli (Università di Firenze), Daniel R. Maul (University of Oslo), Roberto Mazzagatti (Università Milano Bicocca), Lorenzo Mechi (Università di Padova), Francesca Piana (Scuola Normale Superiore), Bruno Settis (Scuola Normale Superiore), Valerio Torreggiani (ICS-Universidade de Lisboa)

Organizzato da:
Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca
"ILO History" SISLav working group

Supported and hosted by:

ILO Office for Italy and San Marino

Referente organizzativo:
Stefano Gallo

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero

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