9th ICCP Conference: "Community regeneration. Bonds and bridges among people and environments"
Dal 21/09/2022 ore 08.30 al 24/09/2022 ore 17.30
Conference Centre - University of Naples Federico II
Via Partenope, 36, Naples, Italy
The 9th International Conference of Community Psychology (ICCP), Community regeneration. Bonds and bridges among people and environments, will take place from 21 to 24 September at the Federico II University Conference Centre, gathering psychologists, scholars and activists from the whole world to discuss and interact on community psychology and social change.
The event is organised by the Community Psychology lab of the Federico II University of Naples, directed by Professor Caterina Arcidiacono, chairwoman of the event, in collaboration with the network of Italian universities active in the field, SIPCO - Italian Society of Community Psychology, the National Order of Psychologists and the European Society of Community Psychology - ECPA. The aim of the initiative is to discuss how community psychology can contribute to deal with the threats of insecurity, war and climate disasters.
Thursday September 22, Massimo Clemente, Director of the Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (Iriss) of the National Research Council of Italy, will take part in the Symposium “Psychology and community resilience”, focusing on collaborative processes supporting urban regeneration for resilient cities, sharing experiences of participatory processes developed with Caterina Arcidiacono and Fortuna Procentese, both members of the ICCP Scientific Conference and Cnr Iriss associates, with particular reference to the case study of Molo San Vincenzo Pier.
Organizzato da:
Community Psychology lab of the University of Naples Federico II
Italian Society of Community Psychology (SIPCO)
National Order of Psychologists
European Society of Community Psychology (ECPA)
Referente organizzativo:
Massimo Clemente
Director of Cnr - Iriss
Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero
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