
Pier Giorgio Merli (S)TEM School in Materials Science 2022

Dal 03/10/2022 ore 08.30 al 14/10/2022 ore 17.30

via Gobetti 101
40129 Bologna (Italy)

The 8th edition of the School, organized by CNR-IMM and SISM will take place in Bologna (Italy) from 3 to 14 October 2022.

As in previous editions, in two full weeks, following a well-tested series of theoretical and practical lessons, the School will provide students and researchers engaged in the materials science field (physics, chemistry, engineering) with a qualified introduction to Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques.

The first theoretical part of the School (October 3-7, 2022) will start with an historical introduction to the early stage evolution of the electron microscope instruments followed by a description of modern instruments and detectors. The main electron optics notions will be presented to introduce the TEM/STEM working principles. A comprehensive lesson on radiation damage will warn the students of the downsides and the possible artefacts of these powerful investigation instruments. Some essential aspects of the theory of the electron diffraction will then be used to describe the elastic interaction of the electron beam with the crystalline sample and the electron microscopy techniques that immediately follow: Selected Area and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (SAED and CBED). Examples of their application for crystallographic phases identification and strain determination will be illustrated. The contrast mechanisms in TEM and STEM (diffraction, phase and mass-thickness) will be successively presented for their importance in studies of lattice defects, nanoparticles and nanotubes in solids and devices.

In recent year, TEM/STEM imaging techniques have attained atomic resolution for all the materials of interest in materials science. In our course, a unique theory of image formation will be used to describe both the coherent (HREM) and incoherent (HAADF-STEM) approach to these high resolution techniques. The main aspects of the inelastic interaction of the electron beam with the sample will be presented to describe the two essential analytical techniques for compositional analysis: EDS and EELS. Finally, electron holography and interferometric methods will be introduced to show either the possibility to record the phase of the electron wave and to determine electric potential variations inside the samples or as alternative techniques in phase analysis and strain determination. Finally, the importance of the use of diffraction and image simulations in routine structural studies will be demonstrated with the aid of some examples and the main principle at the basis of these simulation algorithms will be introduced both for TEM and STEM.

Organizzato da:
Cnr-Imm Bologna
SISM - Italian Society for Microscopical Science (http://www.sism.it)

Referente organizzativo:
Vittorio Morandi
CNR - Istituto per la microelettronica e microsistemi
via Gobetti 101
40129 Bologna (Italy)

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento

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