
4th Joint AIC-SILS Conference

Dal 12/09/2022 ore 12.00 al 15/09/2022 ore 17.30

Conference Locations:
Scientific Sessions (September 13th, 14th and 15th 2022) will be held at University of Trieste.
The Opening Ceremony (September 12th) of the Conference will be held in the Teatrino Franco e Franca Basaglia - San Giovanni Park.

4th Joint AIC-SILS Conference
4th Joint AIC-SILS Conference

The fourth Joint Conference of the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) and the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS), will be held in Trieste from 12 to 15 September 2022.

The Conference will be organized in 4 plenary lectures, thirteen micro-symposia with 26 keynote presentations, 39 oral communications and 39 flash talks and will host the Round Table "Horizon-Europe and the Future of Research Infrastructures: Next Generation of Scientific Instrumentation, Tools and Methods". Four E-poster sessions will also allow the presentation and discussion of scientific contributions.

Call for Abstracts:

Participants are invited to submit a one-page abstract for the E-poster section or, if selected, for a short Oral or Flash presentation, not later than June 6th 2022. Notification of acceptance for selected Oral, Flash or E-poster presentations will be sent to the authors by June 24th 2022. I

f your Abstract will not be selected for Oral or Flash presentations, it will be accepted for an E-poster presentation. Each participant can be the presenting author for only one submitted abstract (MS-01 to MS-13). However, every participant can be a non-presenting co-author on an unlimited number of abstracts. In addition, every participant can submit an abstract to MS-13 “Science & Society: from Dissemination to Communication”, even if he/she is the presenting author in one of the other microsimposia. (https://eventi.mlib.ic.cnr.it/event/33/abstracts/)

Organizzato da:
Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) and the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS)
CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia

Referente organizzativo:
Doriano Lamba
CNR - Istituto di Cristallografia
Sede Secondaria di Trieste
Area Science Park - Basovizza
I-34149 Trieste - Italy

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento
For the Conference registration plaese visit https://eventi.mlib.ic.cnr.it/event/33/registrations/9/

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