
SEA SciencE teA: The voices of the BlueMed Ambassadors for a shared governance of the Mediterranean at ESOF2020 in Trieste

Il 05/09/2020 ore 12.00 - 13.30

ESOF 2020 Trieste

Young BlueMed Ambassadors
Young BlueMed Ambassadors

The need for a coordinated plan to realise a sustainable governance of the Mediterranean Sea is one of the core concepts of BlueMed, and a determinant driver of the its activity. More, the project also is very attentive to foster the exchanges between the NOrthern and Southern shores of the Med, as in the spirit of the “One Ocean” approach.

“SEA SciencE teA“,  the session organised by BlueMed at the European Science Open Forum (ESOF), taking place in Trieste from 2 to 6 September 2020, will focus on the perspectives of the young BlueMed Ambassadors about the most pressing challenges affecting the Mediterranean that R&I can tackle, as well as their reflections on this first year of mandate as BlueMed Ambassadors. Most important, they will be in dialogue with institutional representatives at the national and supranational level, EU and non-EU, and they will have the opportunity to have their voices and proposals heard and, possibly, welcomed and employed in future marine strategies.

“SEA Science tea: the BlueMed Ambassadors’ perspectives towards a shared governance of the Mediterranean” will be broadcasted on the ESOF platform from 12 to 13:30 of Saturday September 5, 2020.

The session speakers will be:

  • Alba L’Astorina (Cnr, Italy) and Rita Giuffredi (Cnr, Italy): CSA Communication Team [moderators];

  • Inés Boujmil (Instm,Tunisia) and Badr El Mahrad (Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco and Cima, Portugal): BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors;

  • Fabio Trincardi (Cnr, Italy): BlueMed CSA coordinator;

  • Erasmia Kastanidi (Hcmr, Greece): BlueMed Ambassadors’ programme;

  • Laura Mc Donagh (EC, DG-RTD): EU Commission Youth Ambassadors programme;

  • Nayrah Shaltout (Niof, Egypt): BlueMed Egyptian national delegates.

ESOF is the biennial, pan-European conference devoted to general science and including topics of science policy and science communication; this year it was scheduled to be held in Trieste, European Capital of Science, at the beginning of July, but it was moved to September due to the sanitary emergency.

The BlueMed session was initially conceived to take place in an informal space, as in the tradition of Mediterranean cultures, with coffee and mint tea being served to all participants. This will not be possible, since due to Covid restrictions the speakers could not travel to Trieste, but they will anyway exchange in a free and relaxed way, in a reflexive athmosphere.

Organizzato da:
Cnr - Dipartimento scienze del sistema terra e tecnologie per l'ambiente

Referente organizzativo:
Alba L'Astorina
Cnr - Istituto per il rilevamento elettromagnetico dell'ambiente

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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