
Are we over the great crisis? Cities and ports after Covid-19 accelerators of the future

Il 22/06/2020 ore 16.00 - 17.30

Virtual room on the ZOOM platform or Facebook live streaming on: https://www.facebook.com/retedigital/

4th webinar on
4th webinar on "Port-city scenarios during and after the Covid-19"

The 4th and final webinar on "Port-city scenarios during and after the Covid-19" will finalize the outputs of the previous three webinars that took place on 4th and 18th May and 1st June 2020. The worst seems to be over even though a state of uncertainty remains and the economic and social crisis will be very strong in the coming months. Covid-19 has certainly accelerated and exasperated phenomena that were happening anyway, revealing the fragility of the global economic system and the profound injustice in the distribution of world resources. The focus will be on three specific port city contexts: the Mediterranean basin, the North European Seas, and the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean coasts of Latin America.

The Scientific Committee of RETE, representative of many geographical realities, expression of different competencies and of complementary points of view, invites to reflect on:

- what will be and how long will the effects of Covid-19 go on?

- how port city and coastal zone management will change?

- what role can port authorities and municipalities play?

- how have changed the marine traffics?

- how have relations between port and city changed?

- how have maritime urban communities reacted?

- how the port-urban landscape is changed?

- is the ecological footprint of port cities going to decrease?

... and other objectives-questions that you would propose!

Organizzato da:
RETE Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture and Design UADE of Buenos Aires

Referente organizzativo:
Massimo Clemente

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
For CNR Researchers: virtual room on the ZOOM platform. Please register using the Google form: http://bitly.ws/8LQd
Then you'll get the Zoom link. Please download the application.
For Everyone: join Facebook live streaming on: https://www.facebook.com/retedigital/
or contact RETE secretariat: secretaria@retedigital.com

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