Istituto di tecnologie biomediche (ITB)
Sabino Liuni
E-mail: sabino.liuni@ba.itb.cnr.it
The 5' and 3' untranslated regions of eukaryotic mRNAs play crucial roles in the post-transport, translation efficiency, subcellular localization and message stability. UTRdb is a curated database of 5' and 3' untranslated sequences of eukaryotic mRNAs, derived from several sources of primary data. Experimentally validated functional motifs are annotated and also collated as the UTRsite database where more specific information on the functional motifs and 15 cross-links to interacting regulatory protein are provided. In the current update the UTR entries have been organized in a gene-centric structure to better visualize and retrieve 5' and 3'UTR variants generated by alternative initiation and termination of transcription and alternative splicing. Experimentally validated miRNA targets and conserved 22 sequence elements are also annotated. The integration of UTRdb with genomic data has allowed the implementation of an efficient annotation system and a powerful retrieval resource for the selection and extraction of specific UTR subsets.
Indirizzo internet
Url: http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/
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Tipologia di dati
Sequenze di Acidi Nucleici