Banca dati

Lab/Facilities, End-Users, Companies in EU Life Science


Istituto di fisica applicata "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)


Francesca Rossi


Il database di centri di ricerca, end-users e aziende del settore Optoelettronica in Life Science è stato realizzato all'interno delle attività del progetto EU FP7 CSA OASIS. Large scale research facilities and technology platforms are usually sets of laboratory equipments that are mainly available to academics and to a certain extent to industrials. They can be very large-scale equipment, unique to a country or a continent as well as technological hall shared by a wide scientific and technological community, which develops competencies in a specific area. In the field of the life sciences, the management of open access for researchers and world-class research programmes between these facilities is under consolidation through existing programmes like Instruct, EuroBioimaging... Large companies have established strong collaborations with these facilities but there is still room for improving their economic outputs and the involvement of SMEs in order to create more value and jobs from early scientific results. Photonics clusters and national platforms, strong links between Science and Economy, as well as between regional and international environments, will play a key role in organizing the collaboration between these life science facilities and the European SMEs. The seven European countries involved in the project (France, UK, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Spain) gathered 70% of the new infrastructures in Life Sciences in FP7. Nine photonics clusters from these countries, involved in initiatives supporting Biophotonics at the regional or national level are active in the OASIS Support Action. The consortium will first inventory and geographically map the former European investments made in Photonics Life Science facilities, to make them more easily accessible to SMEs. It will also inventory the relevant companies and their needs in terms of lab infrastructures, and will try to identify some needs from medical and agri-food actors that might be solved with photonics technologies. Targeting the right facilities is a prerequisite for efficient innovation and the right definition of collaborations can be a real challenge. OASIS partners will design services to improve collaboration frameworks between facilities, SMEs, hospitals, industrials, for product developments and validation. Last but not least, financing transfer and initial deployment is still a challenge in these highly regulated markets, the so called "valley of death". OASIS will promote these technologies and their economic interest toward financing community.

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breve descrizione e info contatto


Banca dati attiva fino a 2021